Class of 2013-2014 Fellows
Penny Hefferon, CFO
Robert Raffle, Executive Director
Nancy McKiernan, Mkt & Dev. Assoc.
Michele Feller, Dir. of Recreation
Michael Schafer, VP for Nursing Fac.
Michaela Byrnes, Dir of Ther. Recr.
Lisa Marcello, VP/CFO
Maria Fitzpatrick, Clin. Supervisor
Desmond Jackson, Env. Svc. Coor.
Diane Darbyshire, SR Policy Analyst
John Schuster, Admissions MGR
Hasan Tariq, Dir. of Recreation
Dyani John-Richberg, Assis. to CEO
Laura Radensky, Dir. of Comm. Rel.
Gaik Sim Khoo, Occ. Coordinator
Ken Allison, Accountant
Debra Lyda, Director
Christopher Lynch, Dir. of Operation
Ann Dooley, Executive Dir.
Cathie Chabrier, Assist. Admin.
Susan Keating, Resident Svs Dir.